What does RMT mean?

“Real Money Trading” (RMT) refers to the act of exchanging real money for virtual currency, goods, or related services in online games. This practice is typically frowned upon by game developers and often violates the game’s terms of service.

Examples of Real Money Trading

Real Money Trading can take many forms, such as buying and selling virtual currency, items, or accounts, or paying for in-game services such as power-leveling or boosting. Some players engage in RMT to gain an advantage over other players, while others do it as a means of making real-world money.

The practice of RMT is most common in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) and other online games with virtual economies. However, it can also occur in other types of games, such as first-person shooters or mobile games.

Impact of Real Money Trading on Gaming

Real Money Trading can have a negative impact on the overall gameplay experience and the game’s virtual economy. It can create an uneven playing field and lead to unfair advantages for players who engage in RMT. It can also lead to inflation of the virtual economy, making it more difficult for players who do not engage in RMT to acquire in-game items or currency.

Additionally, the practice of RMT can damage the game’s reputation and profitability, as it may lead to a loss of player trust and lower revenue from in-game purchases.


Real Money Trading is the act of exchanging real money for virtual currency, goods, or related services in online games. It is often frowned upon by game developers and violates the game’s terms of service. The practice of RMT can have a negative impact on the overall gameplay experience and virtual economy, and it can damage the game’s reputation and profitability.

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