What does LOS mean?

“LOS” is an abbreviation used in online gaming to refer to “Line of Sight”. It refers to the current field of vision of a particular player in the game.

Usage of LOS

In online gaming, “LOS” is a crucial concept that refers to the range of vision of a particular player in the game. It determines what a player can and cannot see within the game world. A player’s LOS is influenced by various factors such as terrain, obstacles, and other game mechanics.

The LOS is a critical factor in determining a player’s strategy and gameplay tactics. Players can use their LOS to their advantage by positioning themselves in such a way as to gain a tactical advantage over their opponents. For example, a player may position themselves in such a way as to see their opponent without being seen themselves. This can allow them to plan and execute surprise attacks, ambushes, or other strategic maneuvers.

Understanding and manipulating LOS is a critical skill for players in many online games, especially those with tactical or strategic elements. Players who can master this skill can gain a significant advantage over their opponents and increase their chances of success in the game.

Examples of LOS in Gaming

Examples of games that heavily rely on LOS include first-person shooters such as Counter-Strike and tactical games such as XCOM. In these games, players must carefully position their characters or units to take advantage of their LOS and maximize their chances of success.

For example, in Counter-Strike, players may use the LOS to their advantage by hiding behind cover or positioning themselves in a spot where they can see their opponents without being seen themselves. In XCOM, players may use their units’ LOS to scout out enemy positions and plan their attacks accordingly.


Overall, “LOS” is a critical concept in online gaming that determines the range of vision of a particular player in the game. Understanding and manipulating LOS is a critical skill for players in many online games, and it can be used to gain a tactical advantage over opponents and increase the chances of success in the game.

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