
What does Lag mean?

There are several types of lag that players may encounter in online video games. One type of lag is input lag, which occurs when there is a delay between the player’s input and the game’s response. This can make it difficult to perform precise actions, such as aiming or timing attacks.

Another type of lag is display lag, which occurs when there is a delay between the game’s output and the player’s display. This can result in a delay between the player’s actions and the on-screen response, making the game feel slow and unresponsive.

Packet loss is another common type of lag, which occurs when data packets are lost during transmission between the player’s computer and the game’s server. This can result in a delay between the player’s actions and the game’s response, as well as other performance issues.

The Impact of Lag on Competitive Play

Lag can have a significant impact on competitive play in online video games. In games such as first-person shooters or fighting games, where split-second timing and precision are crucial, lag can make it difficult for players to perform at their best. This can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction among players, and can also impact the outcome of matches.

To address this issue, some competitive games have implemented systems that detect and penalize players who have a poor internet connection or experience significant lag. This can help ensure that matches are fair and that all players have an equal chance to succeed.


Overall, lag is a common issue in online video games that can greatly impact a player’s experience. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including slow internet speeds, network congestion, server issues, and hardware limitations. Players can take steps to reduce lag, such as upgrading their internet connection and hardware, and reducing network congestion. By reducing lag, players can improve their performance and enjoy the game more, particularly in competitive play.

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1 Comment

  1. Ling

    This is by far the biggest reason that people say when they feed in the game lol